
Also, I am 30 feet tall.
That's a little under 10 meters
if you're European.
My name is Ben Maniquis.  I hail from an exotic city perched on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.  A city called San Diego, California.  I write, make art, music, and act like a complete nerd 97.31% of the time, according to most people.

I have a degree in Film & Media Production, which is essentially meaningless in the grand scheme of things, when you really think about it.  Currently, I travel the world, putting right what once went wrong.  Hoping each time that the next leap...  Will be the leap home...

Follow me if you dare:
deviantart instagram @thehaloequation twitter @thehaloequation thehaloequation.tumblr.com

Elsewhere on the interwebs...

www.anarrowinthemoon.com - My Webcomic An Arrow in the Moon

You can also find my work at the sites below...
Red Bubble
Society 6 and...

And coming soon, Etsy for various curiosities and actual original art pieces once I get around to setting up all that shiz.