Add a copy of the documentary series "Going Medieval" and I'll be ready to rock this November. I've been working through the "Song of Ice and Fire" series, and George R.R. Martin's fanatical attention to detail has inspired me to be a little less carefree with the anachronisms and actually make a trip to the library to pick up these weird paper rectangles with words written in them. Most likely won't be as detailed with the food though. I don't intend to reach the 50k word count on meal description alone.
Since I've already done a ludicrous amount of world-building for my webcomic "An ArrowIn the Moon", this year's novel is going to be set in that same world. Drawing a full color comic, it turns out, takes a bit of time and there's a whole (fictional) world out there, ripe for exploration but I won't ever get to share with anyone if I want to keep the comic story moving at a reasonable pace.
The books in the picture are:
Medieval Underpants is probably the best for writers. Life in a medieval castle feels a little dry, but it's got good info. Daily life in the Middle Ages is a good quick reference.